For those who simply want to enjoy the dance.
Apolitical, local, world-class competitions, socials, opinions and more.
Without fear or favor.
The purpose of the snippets and community input is to display the world of dance options available to all, regardless of ability.
(Its OK if you make a mistake or repeat as these will all be edited, combined into a montage or used as appropriate. 🙂
My name is —-
I am in my —- (age group ie teens, 20s 90s)
for folks under teens please state an age. eg: I am 9
Dancing is my — (passion, passtime, profession)
I like to dance — style (eg: OT/ NV, Rock, DanceSport)
I dance in — areas (eg: New Jersey, Brighton, Cairns)
I have danced — areas (UK, US, NZ)
I play in — areas ( Musicians eg: Brighton, Cairns)
I dance/play — times a (regularity – week, month etc)
I have been dancing/playing for —
(eg time : 10 plus years)
Dancing keeps you — (eg: fit,active)
Dancing makes you — (eg: happy, smile)
and ANY other comments or input you would like to add.
Coming soon.
Featuring Local Talent, 4 in a row, 400 tunes a day.
Your DANCE commUNITY your way.
Incorporating the National Songwriter winners into each day – by listening you are keeping dance music alive
Have your say on what you would like to hear.